To order your ULE Starter Kit-System Development Tool, send a request to Synaptics sales team. Typically, kits are available for immediate shipment.
Name | Link name | Description |
ULEasy Starter Kit Pack | ULEasy SW Package | Includes sample code for STM32, HAN Client and CMND and HAN simulators |
Name | Description |
ULE System Development Tool Brief | Brief description of Tool |
Getting Started-ULE | Tutorial on using the System Development Tool |
DECT-ULE Expansion Board Data Brief | Brief description of Expansion Board |
DECT-ULE USB Dongle Brief | Brief description of Dongle |
DECT-ULE Expansion Board User Manual | Detailed User Manual for the DHAN-J Expansion Board |
DECT-ULE Expansion Board Database | Schematics, Layout and BOM |
ULE-USB Dongle Data Sheet | ULE Dongle Specification |
Name | Description |
DHAN-S Module Footprint, ASCII | PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (ASCII) |
DHAN-S Module Footprint, PADs | PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs) |
DHAN-M Module Footprint, ASCII | PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (ASCII) |
DHAN-M Module Footprint, PADs | PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs) |
DHAN-T Module Footprint, PADs | PCB, Stencil, solder paste design of module (PADs) |
AN181, Printed Antenna Performance | Describes Printed-F Antenna Reference Design |
Antenna Printed PCB Database for Printed-F | Electronic version of layout for customer import |
DCX81 Reference Design | Database (Schem, BOM, Layout) for Hub |
DHX91 Reference Design | Schematic and BOM for module with DHX91 SOC |
Quick-Link for Testing the ULE Device | Useful tool for quick validation of Device on customer production line |
TBR6 Radio Test | Describes how to test a DECT-ULE radio using a DECT Tester |
TBR6 Radio Test Video | Demonstrates DECT-ULE TBR6 radio testing |