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Put simply, a smart screen is a battery-powered, touch-screen device that connects, shares, and interacts with other devices. It is also known as a wireless monitor and is used for activities that require little or no keyboard involvement. It is a relatively low-cost and simple way of connecting web apps, video conferencing calls, and sharing a workspace with built-in Wi-Fi connectivity.

Smart screens have become an exciting…

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Remote controls have tended to be practical, utilitarian devices with a well-deserved reputation for being the hardest to find when needed most. It doesn’t have to be this way in an era when users are using voice to control devices at home, on the go, in the car, or at work. Enabled by always-on voice (AOV) capability, remote controls can instead become a powerful command center to search, select and control the content, execute commands with…

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在拉斯维加斯举办的国际消费电子展CES 2020展会上,新突思非常高兴能够展示我们的最新技术,并接待客户、合作伙伴、分析人员和媒体。在诸多先进技术当中,我们即将宣布另一项行业首创的革新技术,这一技术绝对会改善人机界面的用户体验。令人惊喜的是,我们已经被预约了150多场会议。


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